


Hi guys,

ugh this is really gross!

I left my diary in the rain and now it's all soggy!

Can't talk for long, Angie, is coming to let us out into the paddock! Hey have you read Horsewyse! I have! It's awesome! Go to and find out more!

Gotta Gallop


Love Ruby

It's Hamish here!
Just neighing a quick hello!
Hi Filly's and Colts

How Ya doin'?

GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!

Hamish asked me out and I said yes!

We went out to dinner under the large oak looking tree!!! It was SO romantic!


Hello Everyone!!!

It's only me Hamish today! Ruby has escaped to the feeding paddock again, and has left her journal here!!! When she comes back I'm going to ask her out to dinner by the large oak tree! How romantic!!! Anyway today is a lovely day. Blue Sky, Birds chirping etc. etc. 

I better go so i can puts some carrots under the large  oak tree for tonight! Wish me luck!


P.S. Ruby won the Carrot hunt!!! I love that mare!!!
Hello Everyone! 

This is Ruby and Hamish neighing! 

We have something to sing to you....

We wish you a Merry Easter, We wish you a Merry Easter, We wish you a Merry Easter, and a Happy New Term!!!

Like it? I made it up! 

No!!! I made it Ruby!


Forget it!

Anyway were on a carrot hunt so we better gallop before Trixie or Lamby find them all!!!

See Ya!!!
Hiya Horse-y Lovers

I can't chat long 'cause I got up late!!! But I realised that LATE last night I escaped into the feeding paddock (oops!) Anyway I'm not being ridden today because they (Kiah Park People) can't find me (ha ha!) Now here is my answer to  Anneka's question in my Blog! My favourite type of riding is...... I dunno? Hmm let me think..... I seriously don't know!! Everything I expect! I will have to get back to you with that! 

Oops I forgot to tell you...Hamish can't write today because of HE didn't escape with me ('shy' horse) anyway better Gallop (not litrally because they might find me!) But I gotto go 
See Ya!!!

Love Ruby



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Hiya Horse-lovers!

Guess What!!! It's 3 days till Easter!
I can't wait! Can Ya hang on a sec Hamish wants somethin'...........

Back! Hamish just wanted to know how to spell my name. I think he's writing me an Easter Card, but I shouldn't get all excited about somethin' I don't know that's happin' Ooh I can't wait till Hamish gives me that Easter Card! Sorry! 
Anyway I gotta gallop Hamish is wanting to write in my blog! 

Hiya Folks

Guess What!!! I'm writing Ru.. Rub...Rubie I mean Ruby an Easter Card! Hopefully she didn't peek over my tail when I asked her how to spell her name!  
Don't you just love that mare! Oops, He He. 

Gotta Go!


Hi Everyone

As you know this page is called RUBY'S BLOG!!!
Sorry I'm a bit excited; I've never had a Blog before.

This is so cool! I'm gonna write each day or week if I can! So keep in the saddle because more is coming!
Anyway I better gallop, my breakfast is coming!

See Ya

P.S. If you have any idea's, complaints or questions post it in the blog down below and I will reply!!!

    Me out on trail ride!!!


    (trying to canter) 
    (lazy gelding)
