* No Swearing (children could be browsing this site)
* No Sexual References (for the same reason above)   
* Please do not reveal your personal info.
* No more than 3 characters 
* No forceful breeding (Ask player before hand and if they have accepted please do not use too much description)
* Text talk can be really annoying for other players so none please (e.g. wen do u want 2 tlk?)
* To make it easier for other players please uses quotation marks when your character is speaking (E.G. "Hi what's up?") and when you want to mention something use brackets (e.g. (go to go bye!) )
* Please create a username (do not use you real name) 


I will not be playing this role play but will be moderating from time to time. If anyone disobeys these rule they will be banned from this page. 

Thank You 

CREATING A CHARACTER: (Please Paste this in your first post to describe your horse. 

Character Name:
Crush:Breed:Greatest Strength: 

OPENING SCENE:You are in a large meadow with lush green grass. It is spring and only few horses have survived winter. (You may enter this scene as another horse or herd or be one of the horses that survived)YOU MAY START - LOL