* No Swearing (children could be browsing this site)
* No Sexual References (for the same reason above)   
* Please do not reveal your personal info.
* No more than 3 characters 
* No forceful breeding (Ask player before hand and if they have accepted please do not use too much description)
* Text talk can be really annoying for other players so none please (e.g. wen do u want 2 tlk?)
* To make it easier for other players please uses quotation marks when your character is speaking (E.G. "Hi what's up?") and when you want to mention something use brackets (e.g. (go to go bye!) )
* Please create a username (do not use you real name) 


I will not be playing this role play but will be moderating from time to time. If anyone disobeys these rule they will be banned from this page. 

Thank You 

CREATING A CHARACTER: (Please Paste this in your first post to describe your horse. 

Character Name:
Crush:Breed:Greatest Strength: 

OPENING SCENE:You are in a large meadow with lush green grass. It is spring and only few horses have survived winter. (You may enter this scene as another horse or herd or be one of the horses that survived)YOU MAY START - LOL

30/9/2011 05:13:49 pm

Name: Cliff
Looks: Chestnut colored with fading star on forehead and very hairy legs.
Age: 17
Gender: Gelding
Crush: no-one yet!
Breed: Arab/QH/SH/SB
Greatest strength: "sure footed"

30/9/2011 05:32:46 pm

I looked out at the herd. Numbers were down, and the spring grass was only just coming out. The horses were skinny, but you could barely see beneath their shedding Winter coats. For some reason, right then and there, I remembered the last time I had with my mother.
It was a cool night. A man that was smoking stood in the barn, looking out at us. He tapped his cigarette and an ember fell down onto the straw. Slowly the ember started to smoke. The man didn't notice and dropped his cigarette and ground it with his foot. He walked out of the barn and closed the doors, leaving just the horses and tack in the barn. It was quite dark but there was a small orange light glowing in the middle of the aisle. Soon it became very large and the horses became fidgety and frightened as the barn was full of thick smoke and the orange light had surrounded us. There were horses rearing and soon one of them kicked out at his stall door and ran to the entrance. He turned and kicked out at the door and neighed to all of us, telling us to come. Soon Mozerilla's stall was full of fire and she pushed the stall door open. All the others followed suit but me. I was only a weanling and I couldn't find my way out. Soon a beam came crashing down in front of me, crushing the front of the stall. With all my might I jumped over the burning mess and galloped out of the barn. I didn't stop there as I was petrified. I went out and up the mountain and by the time the moon was fully out, I was lost. I remember standing there for a long time and then a chestnut mare coming up to me. She led me to the herd and I have lived with them since.
I have lived with this herd for 16 years or more. Suddenly I woke from my daydream. The lead mare, felicity, was neighing frantically and was telling us to follow her. I pushed myself to my hooves and galloped away with the herd. What could it possibly be that she was telling us to run from?
(next person take it from there! I suggest that the herd is running from horse hunters or even worse, poachers!)

21/10/2011 02:12:02 pm

No one really plays this any more, but I like your writing style. You could start a book like that XD

21/10/2011 02:16:58 pm

Skye turned his head towards the gunshots in the distance. He neighed to his herd, desperate for them to run. The trampling of domesticated horse's hooves drew nearer. Skye's chestnut figure trembled as he could now see the hunters in the distance. He cantered around his horses, nipping at their shoulders.


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