Hiya Horse-y Lovers

I can't chat long 'cause I got up late!!! But I realised that LATE last night I escaped into the feeding paddock (oops!) Anyway I'm not being ridden today because they (Kiah Park People) can't find me (ha ha!) Now here is my answer to  Anneka's question in my Blog! My favourite type of riding is...... I dunno? Hmm let me think..... I seriously don't know!! Everything I expect! I will have to get back to you with that! 

Oops I forgot to tell you...Hamish can't write today because of HE didn't escape with me ('shy' horse) anyway better Gallop (not litrally because they might find me!) But I gotto go 
See Ya!!!

Love Ruby
31/5/2012 08:05:16 am

Nice one info, thx


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    Me out on trail ride!!!


    (trying to canter) 
    (lazy gelding)
